ANU Green Network
Are you an ANU staff or student? Join the ANU Green Network and join the conversation on environmental sustainability.
The Sustainability Division is a part of the Chief Operating Officer Portfolio. The Division’s current focus is on environmental sustainability and we have a small group of dedicated staff who deliver and coordinate our scope of work.
ANU Green is the University's operational program for management of its environmental sustainability efforts. These efforts are being coordinated by our Environmental Management Plan, which has several short and medium-term objectives to assist the University in reaching its sustainability ambitions.
We have a small group of dedicated staff who drive the operationalisation of our environmental sustainability plans.
The Environmental Sustainability team reports regularly throughout the year and hosts several publications from student projects.
The team has an online repository of these reports and publications, in addition to other publications from activities across the ANU Green programs.
At ANU, we recognise that collaboration is critical in developing solutions and increasing their impact. Partnerships and alliances with local, domestic and international stakeholders are essential to seeing the transformational change required to achieve our global sustainable development goals.
Are you an ANU staff or student? Join the ANU Green Network and join the conversation on environmental sustainability.