Students walking downstairs
Image: Flickr ANU

About environmental sustainability operations at ANU

ANU Green is the University's operational program for management of its environmental sustainability efforts. Strategic priorities for ANU Green are outlined in two plans.

Dhaagun Environmental Management Plan (EMP) 2022-’25 provides an approach to improve environmental sustainability across its Acton campus and regional sites. The EMP has six pillars: greenhouse gas mitigation, energy management, water management, built environment, circular economy, and biodiversity and conservation. The EMP has several short- and medium-term objectives to assist the University in reaching its sustainability ambitions.  

The greenhouse gas mitigation pillar of Dhaagun EMP is associated with the ANU Below Zero goals to reduce the University's carbon footprint by leading programs that reduce or remove the emissions associated with its activities. These programs seek to address the institutional, operational and behavioural mechanisms for change and drive innovation by integrating research and teaching. Our long-term ambition is to be below zero emissions from our operations and value-chain (scopes 1,2, and 3) by 2040 with an interim goal of carbon neutrality for direct on-campus and energy-related emissions (scopes 1 and 2) for part of 2025 (pilot) and from 2026 onward. Find more information about projects and goals on the Below Zero Program Goals and Delivery Plan (PDF, 93.74KB).

These two plans open opportunities for staff and students to explore how ANU can implement successful strategies for long-term positive impacts on our society and our environment. 

Get involved through research and study

Below is a list of focus areas that support transformational change programs at ANU. Each topic has companion questions or thought starters for staff and students to start a conversation about potential research projects, internships and other programs in their degrees or research programs.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from the ANU Green, contact us.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from the ANU Green, contact us.

Energy - emissions reduction and efficiency

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions becomes increasingly urgent as the world grapples with climate change. At ANU, we recognise the pivotal role that energy consumption plays in this global challenge. Our work focuses on innovative strategies to make ANU buildings less reliant on fossil fuels and more energy-efficient while ensuring they meet users’ needs and provide comfort. We delve into questions such as how to engage people with their energy usage, empower them to control it, and ultimately reduce overall consumption. Additionally, we explore the delicate balance between short-term infrastructure maintenance and long-term energy transition strategies, ensuring fiscal responsibility and social impact. Moreover, we envision ANU buildings collaborating synergistically, forming a network that reduces energy usage and paves the way for a shared energy economy.

Do you have ideas on shaping a sustainable future through thoughtful research and actionable solutions? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • How can we make ANU buildings more energy efficient, meet users’ needs, and be comfortable?
  • How can we help people engage with their energy consumption and control it to reduce usage?
  • How can Below Zero balance short-term infrastructure maintenance/management with long-term energy transition strategies?
  • How can Below Zero prioritise the scope of work to ensure it is fiscally and socially responsible?
  • How can we make buildings, or a group of buildings, work together to reduce energy usage or create pathways for a shared energy economy?

Circular economy and waste

At ANU, our commitment to environmental stewardship extends beyond theory—we actively engage with staff, students and stakeholders to address pressing challenges related to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and waste management. We aim to enhance our understanding of circular economy principles and develop innovative strategies to reduce emissions and promote responsible waste practices. We want to explore key considerations, from identifying emission sources to implementing circular economy solutions, while fostering a sustainability culture across our campus and beyond.

Do you have ideas on creating closed loop systems for waste streams on campus? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • What are the main sources of GHG emissions from research/teaching/operations that Below Zero must be aware of? Who are the main stakeholders in reducing the use or production of greenhouse gases in a building or research area?
  • What areas produce specialty waste that needs alternative management protocols? How can these align with reducing emissions from waste?
  • How can we implement circular economy waste strategies into business as usual?
  • How can we get stakeholders to deal with waste responsibly at every point?
  • What are the barriers to reducing food packaging on campus (considering cafes, ANU catering, staff and student choices)?
  • What principles are important in developing a procurement policy to reduce waste?
  • How can we balance hygiene and other considerations, such as food waste, with low-GHG packaging?
  • How can we facilitate and incentivise students and staff to increase recycling (e.g. via TerraCycle) and composting?
  • How can we create a shared economy for commodities across campus?
  • What systems can we implement to increase awareness and accessibility for different areas of campus or cohorts to sell or give away unwanted items – or find and buy or take those items?

Carbon smart travel

Travel is part of how we work, and the activities we do when we travel may be linked to positive impacts on our careers. However, every flight we take and every trip we make adds to our environmental impact. To combat climate change, we all need to reduce emissions as soon as possible while continuing to progress our research, teaching, individual and institutional needs. This is a sector-wide challenge, and many of our domestic and international partners are implementing their own strategies for change.

At Below Zero, our research and programs aim to support low carbon travel behaviours by empowering individuals to make intentional choices that are supported with measures that are built into the organisation e.g. policies, services, etc. We work towards a shift in mindset—from travel as a routine to travel as a deliberate exercise that prioritises both necessity and sustainability. By fostering equitable and transparent processes for travel prioritisation, we ensure that our collective efforts lead to meaningful emissions reduction.

Do you have ideas on reimagining travel as a conscious activity that considers environmental impact alongside other considerations such as cost and time? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • How can BZ support low carbon travel behaviours in travel decision-making?
  • How can travel be transitioned to an intentional exercise prioritising need and sustainability?
  • How can we ensure the process of travel prioritisation is equitable and transparent?

Commuting – active and shared transport

At ANU, we want to transform commuting into a force for positive change. We are focusing on normalising low emissions transport, fostering conversations around greener travel and redefining cycling as a practical way to navigate our campus. By addressing barriers, promoting facilities and exploring shared mobility options, we aim to shape a future where sustainability is the driving force behind every journey.

Do you have ideas on encouraging and supporting lower emissions commuting behaviours? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • How can we normalise low-emissions transport, highlighting others’ sustainable behaviour and using social connections?
  • How can we support conversations around greener travel and change social norms away from single-person car transport towards shared mobility, public transport and active travel?
  • How can we reframe cycling from being perceived primarily as a competitive sport to a practical way to get from A-B?
  • What are the barriers to using active travel and public transport for students and staff travelling to ANU from Canberra and surrounds? How can we address these barriers at an institutional and individual level?
  • How could we design a comms campaign to highlight facilities at ANU that support active transport (e.g., showers, lock-up bike facilities, bike paths, etc.)?
  • How can we develop and promote shared mobility options, e.g. an ANU car share app?
  • What might encourage students and staff to try new low emissions forms of transport?
  • How do current ANU parking fees contribute to travel choices?

Carbon smart events

The need for rethinking how we run events has become increasingly evident in today's more eco-conscious society. Integrating sustainability practices is essential whether it’s a small gathering or a large-scale conference. At ANU, we are exploring innovative strategies to minimise the environmental impact of events while enhancing the attendee experience. From carbon reduction initiatives to circular economy and waste management measures to behavioural change programs, there are key considerations that can transform events into eco-friendly and engaging experiences.

Do you have ideas on innovative event and engagement strategies that lower the activity's carbon footprint? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • How can BZ support low carbon actions and behaviours, such as staff and students considering GHGs in their event planning?
  • How can BZ help shift the landscape of events at ANU to one that considers low carbon practices?
  • Who are the primary stakeholders for change in this area?
  • How can BZ meet attendees' expectations while reducing emissions and waste?

Monitoring and reporting our environmental impact

Monitoring and evaluating environmental impact are critical components in managing ANU environmental sustainability progress and programs. Creating an inventory and mapping progress towards goals contributes to our compliance in our reporting obligations, both mandatory and voluntary, internally and externally. Accurate data collection, clear performance metrics, links to realistic environmental goals and alignment with regulatory frameworks are foundational to this scope of work. These factors are essential for promoting transparency and accountability, as they provide a framework for evaluating and communicating the environmental performance of the University's operations and initiatives.

Do you have ideas on ways to track progress towards sustainability goals and innovative and engaging ways to report and share our journey to a low emissions future? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • What are some technologies or resources that can streamline data collection and translation for greenhouse gas emissions inventory and reporting?
  • How do we efficiently and effectively track progress toward our sustainability goals?
  • How can we build in natural links in our current programs to metrics for global sustainability frameworks such as the SDGs or ESG?
  • What mechanisms can collect feedback from the community to refine our strategies? How can we encourage people to participate in collecting information without increasing the administrative burden?
  • What are some interesting and engaging methods and mediums for communicating our progress to our internal and external stakeholders?
  • How do we ensure we communicate our journey to achieving our goals is useful to other organisations or governments to support their success in reaching their sustainability goals?

Supporting our community in sustainability at ANU

At ANU, we are committed to fostering and growing a culture of environmental sustainability in our community. Our engagement programs aim to offer staff and students opportunities to integrate sustainable practices into their daily lives and the fabric of our campus. From reimagining onboarding materials with sustainability principles to leveraging technology for informing the carbon footprint for different choices to facilitate sustainable decision making, we constantly seek to find innovative ways that promote pro-climate behaviours and ensure equitable participation.

Do you have ideas on how to engage our community in climate-friendly behaviours through community building activities? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • What principles can we apply to frame environmental sustainability in ANU “onboarding” materials to maximise engagement amongst new students and staff?
  • How can we use green nudges and develop a pro-climate identity woven into existing induction materials / training or are new materials that introduce new students and staff to sustainability and encourage them to get involved / commit to pro-climate behaviours? How will we be able to know that this has had an impact?
  • How can we actively involve students, staff, and faculty in sustainability initiatives? What channels or formats for engaging (e.g., workshops, events, online platforms) can facilitate ongoing dialogue?
  • What motivates individuals to adopt sustainable behaviours? How can we encourage recycling, energy conservation, responsible consumption, etc.?
  • Are there new or existing resources, technologies and facilities that can support sustainable practices at ANU? How can we improve, expand and raise awareness of these resources?
  • How can we collaborate with local businesses, NGOs, and government agencies to enhance sustainability efforts? Are there joint projects or shared resources we can leverage?
  • Are sustainability initiatives accessible to everyone, regardless of background or ability? How can we ensure equity in participation and benefits?
  • What incentives (e.g., rewards, certifications) can encourage sustainable actions? How can we recognise and celebrate community members’ contributions?
  • What are ways technology can make monitoring and evaluating our GHG footprint more accessible, work more efficiently and deliver that data in real-time so people or systems can make adjustments to reduce their emissions?
  • How can we get individuals to engage with their impact meaningfully to produce changes in choices and behaviours that are more sustainable or environmentally conscious?

Reducing indirect emissions

Indirect emissions play an enormous role in an organisation’s environmental footprint. As we strive for sustainability in all our operations, we aim to challenge current practices and innovate an approach to managing and reducing our Scope 3 emissions. Through collaborative efforts with our suppliers, rigorous selection criteria based on environmental practices and comprehensive life cycle assessments, we want to reduce our emissions and empower consumers to make eco-conscious choices. We want to explore digital solutions and industry standards that lead to a more sustainable future.

Do you have ideas on organisational levers for creating a lower carbon footprint from indirect emissions such as goods and services? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • How can we collaborate with suppliers to reduce emissions throughout the supply chain?
  • What criteria should we use to select suppliers based on their environmental practices?
  • Have we conducted a comprehensive lifecycle assessment of our products and services?
  • How can we encourage consumers to make sustainable choices? What educational initiatives can raise awareness about the environmental impact of goods and services?
  • What innovations can help us create more eco-friendly products? How can digital solutions optimise logistics and reduce emissions?
  • Are there industry standards we can adopt to address scope 3 emissions? How can we report our indirect emissions to stakeholders?

Climate change risk and adaptation

Addressing climate and transition risks through comprehensive assessment and proactive adaptation planning is essential for any organisation's longevity. Leveraging cutting-edge research and interdisciplinary approaches, ANU is committed to developing robust strategies that ensure our resilience in climate-related challenges. These activities are made more robust through work with sector partners to develop frameworks to evaluate and address the shared complexities of climate change and transition risks for a more effective response.

Do you have ideas on how to better assess future risk and develop appropriate adaptation strategies for ANU campuses? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • How can we support our community to adapt to changes in our climate? How can we assist people in being ready for those challenges or technologies that reduce the negative effects of more extreme weather?
  • What are some markers for assessing and managing future physical risk of climate change?
  • How can we effectively manage risks associated with transitioning our infrastructure and systems in constantly evolving regulatory environments?
  • How can we future-proof our infrastructure and systems for adapting to changing environmental conditions while maintaining a healthy campus environment and society?
  • What are some effective strategies and approaches our domestic and international partners to mitigate risk and share adaptation?

Gardening, landscape and biodiversity

The ANU campus is home to echidnas, wombats, possums, sugar gliders, wallabies and even the odd platypus. Despite being in the heart of Canberra, the campus is surprisingly diverse, supporting more than 140 native animal species. The 145-hectare campus boasts 10,000 trees, including patches of the nationally endangered Box Gum Grassy woodland. These large old trees play a crucial role by providing hollows for birds, bats, and possums.

The University’s commitment to landscape management extends beyond aesthetics—it aims to protect biodiversity, reduce water usage and create sustainable ecosystems. Strategies include increasing the use and efficiency of non-potable water for irrigation, enhancing drought tolerance through plant selection and establishing protection zones to safeguard biodiversity values. The campus also actively engages in citizen science programs to deepen our understanding of the environment and foster a knowledgeable community. As we explore eco-gardens and green infrastructure, we must consider stakeholder perspectives and balance experiential learning with sustainability goals. By weaving together these considerations, ANU can create an ecologically vibrant and enjoyable campus for all.

Do you have ideas on increasing the biodiversity and conservation efforts of the green spaces at ANU or how we can use greening activities to build a more connected and knowledgeable community? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • How can we design our campus to promote a healthy ecology and increase biodiversity?
  • What citizen science techniques and programs can we use to support our understanding of our campus environment and create a knowledgeable community? How can we design engagement programs that boost participation and ongoing engagement?
  • How effective are eco-gardens as experiential learning environments for education in sustainability, and what stakeholder perspectives should be considered in their design and implementation?
  • How can we design and implement green infrastructure, such as pollinator gardens, to prevent flooding, enhance biodiversity and create enjoyable spaces on campus?

Sustainable food

Shifting consumer preferences towards sustainable and healthy diets is a crucial aspect of the food industry’s role in a sustainable transition. Promoting more plants in food choices, reducing food waste and adopting circular economy principles can significantly contribute to sustainable consumption patterns. Food producers, suppliers and retailers play a pivotal role in this transformation. By providing clearer information about nutrition and offering a wider range of sustainable goods, they can appeal to evolving consumer appetites while looking after the planet.

ANU, as a university campus, can actively participate in this shift by promoting sustainable food options and encouraging behavioural change among staff and students. Let’s explore how ANU can address barriers to lower GHG-emissions food, develop mechanisms for sustainable consumption, educate on food production and enhance transparency regarding food and packaging choices’ environmental impacts.

Do you have ideas on how we can promote more climate-friendly consumer behaviours when it comes to food, on and off campus? Use the following considerations as thought starters for a project.

For ANU students, if you want to incorporate these projects into your degree, talk to your course convener about how you can incorporate these projects into your degree program. If you and your supervisor would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.

For ANU staff, if you want to incorporate these projects into your teaching program and would like support from ANU Green, get in touch.


  • What barriers exist to eating lower GHG-emissions food on campus in externally owned/managed food outlets and any ANU-funded catering?
  • What mechanisms can be developed to encourage staff and students to reduce consumption of foods (and related packaging) with high emissions intensity and increase consumption of more locally grown food with low embodied GHG emissions?
  • How do we show people the best way to produce their food or be smarter consumers, e.g. buy local or in-season food?
  • How can we make the GHG emissions impacts of different food and packaging choices transparent?