Sustainability banner image

The problem

Humanity faces three major interlinked environmental challenges - climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.  Human-induced global warming has spurred changes to the earth’s climate that are now occurring in every region.  Climate change impacts are accelerating and affecting people all over the world.  Unsustainable patterns of consumption and production are causing air, water and land pollution.  Meanwhile biodiversity loss is accelerating due to a range of factors including habitat loss and climate change.   

Transformational change is required to address these issues. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible is essential, as is removing any remaining hard to abate emissions for the long-term.  Addressing pollution, including via the circular economy, and supporting biodiversity conservation are also vital. 

Our solutions

Sorting ewaste separating recyclables and removing hazardous materials in a tech recycling facility

New, secure and sustainable tech disposal program for ANU

Recently, ANU Chief Information Officer, Paul Hargreaves, shared that ANU has engaged with WV Technologies to offer secure IT disposal and e-waste recycling.

Image of event festival lighting

Celebrate sustainably with carbon smart events

Are you starting to think about end-of-year celebrations?

Image of two people at laptop

Studying sustainability in 2025

Thinking about what classes you can take next semester? Looking for topics for research projects?

Sustainability events at ANU

Multiple areas across the University including the Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU Thrive, and the Fenner School, host sustainability events that share and celebrate their research, education, policy engagement and community. Visit their sites or ANU Events for more.

ACTS events

Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS) host an annual calendar of events - be they live webinars, shared learning opportunities, competitions or networking events​.

Contact us

For any questions or further information about environmental sustainability at ANU please contact us. We are very open to sharing our experiences, and to hearing your suggestions.

Get involved

There are many opportunities for staff, students and other members of the community to get involved in environmental sustainability actions at ANU.

ANU Green Network

Are you an ANU staff or student? Join the ANU Green Network and join the conversation on environmental sustainability.