ANU has been recognised as finalists for our work in climate action and sustainability in the 2024 Green Gown Awards Australasia hosted by Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability (ACTS). The Green Gown Awards is an international program brought to our region by ACTS and acknowledges exception sustainability iniatives at universities and colleges across the world.
Check out our finalist nominations:
- Heat Pumped: Fossil-free heating for cold Canberrans: Our innovative design and implementation of heat pumps to replace natural gas boilers in buildings on Acton campus provides a prototype for further electrification projects across our campus and beyond.
- Carbon Smart Travel: A program with bespoke tools and resources that aims to enable our community to be successful with lower carbon footprint, including the Travel Emissions Tracker, the Carbon Smart Travel Guide and institutional support for individual and collective action.
- Thomas Biedermann, from the ANU School of Cybernetics has been recognised as Staff Champion for establishing and leading a sustainability team within his School.
ANU Associate Director - Sustainability, Clare de Castella, highlights the collective effort involved in delivering sustainable outcomes towards our goals, "We are delighted to have our work in sustainability recognised. Our climate action finalists help us address two of our main emissions sources and are the result of strong cross-university collaborations."
Finalists are now progressing to the next phase to select the winners in each category. Awards will be announced at the upcoming 2024 ACTS Conference - Future of Sustainability, held this year in November at the University of Tasmania in Launceston.
The Green Gown Awards are delivered on a regional basis in Australasia, the UK and Ireland and globally through the International Green Gown Awards. The winners from 8 categories will automatically be submitted to the International Green Gown Awards:
- Benefiting Society
- Climate Action
- Creating Impact
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Sustainability
- Nature Positive
- Next Generation Learning and Skills
- Student Engagement
- Sustainable Institution of the Year
Use the links above to see our key learnings and discover more from the other finalists across different categories.
If you want to know more about climate action at ANU, contact ANUgreen@anu.edu.au.