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There are several ways staff and students be a part of the solution and contribute to our sustainability goals.

Many of these actions are included in the ANU version of the One Small Step app. Discover and perform individual and collective actions and join a community effort at ANU to make a positive impact.

Save energy icon

Save energy in the office and at home: switching off appliances at the socket and turning off lights, fans, and heaters when not in use has a greater impact than you might think.

Public transport icon

Consider your transport impact: can you cycle or walk to campus or throughout Canberra? Canberra has an extensive public transport system that can get you to and from your destinations while you relax, study, or work during your commute.

Eat sustainability

Eat sustainably: choose to buy from independent stores that source and produce products locally if your situation allows. You can also try choosing a plant-based diet two or three times a week and changing to tap instead of bottled water. hosts numerous delicious meat-free recipes to spark inspiration.  

Dress appropriately icon

Dress appropriately: Canberra certainly feels the chill in Winter, keep warm with thermal and woollen clothing before turning on the heater in cooler months. 

Reduce and reuse icon

Reduce and reuse: think about how items will be disposed of before you buy it. Source alternatives from thrift stores, buy, swap and sell groups, or second hand stores. Need a new textbook for your course? Visit Harry Hartog in Kambri to ask about second hand items, or ask your neighbours in your hall or college. 

Recycle icon

Recycle: we now have container deposit scheme machines on the ground floor of Marie Reay. Recycle eligible cans and bottles, and get some change back. We understand figuring out what can be recycled as well as where to dispose of items responsibly is not always straightforward. The ACT Government developed a web resource called Recyclopaedia to help individuals reduce, reuse and recycle their unwanted items. 

Sustainability icon

Use resources more sustainably: consider the lifecycle and environmental impacts of goods or services when purchasing.Do you need new office items, or can you reuse something from a colleague? It is always important to reduce, reuse, and recycle.